We have been taught, since conception, that all women are shaped differently; that we are all unique. Yet, we are organized into the standard slots of basic body shapes. Tradition tells us that to find the right cut and style, we need to know our body shapes. What better way to determine your shape, than visit your local produce aisle?
small chest must equal pear shaped.
large chest equals apple.
no chest equals banana.
Maybe it doesn't bother you, but I don't like being compared to fruit. There is nothing less flattering than taking a test in "Cosmo" only to find out you are shaped like someone's favorite pie filling. An apple- really?
Then, there are websites like Shop your Shape where you have more than just fruit to chose from or you can use their Shop your Shape Calculator. With the calculator there is no guess, you simply feed it your measurements and watch your shape appear. But, measuring yourself can be almost as demoralizing as swimsuit shopping, in the winter, during your period. Horrible!!! But if you are that brave, go for it. WARNING: they site bombards you with popups in an attempt to get you to create an account
As a costumer, I advise having someone else measuring you; you cannot get accurate measurements without help.
Now I hate admitting to my measurements out loud or online, so I have a better suggestion.
I came up with a at home version after watching this episode of the Rachael Ray Show, where Rach's fashion guru Gretta, helped 3 audience members determine their body shapes. Now Gretta uses fruit shapes too, so be prepared.
if only we could all be that brave.
So here's the deal. Every week I will dare all my readers to try something new.
If I can do it, take pictures, and post them online- so can you.
Like I said before, I found a at home version of Gretta's body shape tool.
Wearing tight fitting clothing- I did this after my run, pardon the exercise clothes.
Stand in front of your bathroom mirror.
and using a dry erase marker, old lipstick, or cheap eyeliner.
Draw Your Shape.
Trace your shoulders. Then follow your chest all the way down your hip line.
(there would be more step by step instructions, but you try tracing anything on a mirror and hold the camera at the same time!)
I know, easier said than done. This is why you do it alone. i had to close one eye to keep the marker in line with my body. Obviously this the shape you are drawing will be slightly distorted, but the point is to see your shape based exclusively on your body. Stand back and take stock of the drawing. Tah Dah... See curves? All women have great curves, but its hard to tell when we insist on wearing baggy clothes in an attempt to cover them.
Now the hard part...picking your "fruit" or shape!
there are tons of ways to decide your shape now that you have personally drawn it.
you could Google - female body shapes
you could flip through a fashion magazine
you can even use this photo and compare yourself to todays Holloywood bodies...
see again with the damn fruit! (all photos Google image search)
Like always, I must do this body shaping thing my own way. And why not, I make my own trends, and wear what i like.
Now because, I clearly have a desire for the theatrical.
I'll build my shape and lookbook with history. Maybe its the costumer in me, but I looked at my body type and said "where in history do I fit? when did the women look like me?"
Think about it. it works.
obviously if you are shaped like Twiggy. you can wear anything and...
you probably aren't reading this blog.
For those of you who have, and accepted the challenge- and don't want to be fruit. Lets talk History of Fashion, the condensed version.
Now keep in mind, I am of the belief that what works for your style can also work for your shape. But keep an open mind!
In the 1920's the female shape was hidden. Although women were not wearing corsets, the fashion was eliminate your curves and create a boxy shape.
In the 1930's fashion was a commodity. Women wore what they could make and those who could afford store-bought saw only the slight changes made to the female shape.
The 1940s brought a new air to fashion. Still adjusting from the war and factory work, fashion developed a practical mannish style with an added sense of femininity. Thank you Dior for giving us beautiful waists again.
After the forties, fashion started giving us a much needed variety. 1950s silhouettes seemed to be at odds, both full and tight. Still visible was the influence of the 40s neckline, yet they foreshadowed the close fitting clothing that would soon come.

The 1960's fashion, didn't look how it was often remembered. Thank you Mad Men for helping us fix that.
Women were seen, less like the dutiful wife of the fifties and more like... well women. Dresses got tighter, hem lines shortened, there was a sense for sexuality in the work place.
In the 70's, the free love of the hippies was fading, people we spending more time at the disco, and (as my dad says) people were showering again. With TV becoming a very big deal, lots of tv influence and color was going in to the fashion that was now readily available.
Now the 1980s. There are no words only pictures.

Ok enough of funny pictures.
Of course there is a way to be apart of any and all of these styles if you want to. And I promise I will help. But to help I must play a little game called
Pick My Decade!
As much as I love love love the 70s with their high-waisted pants and scarfs- the seventies does not love me. Accepted moving on.
Now if we were picking my fruit shape (using the same link I offered you) I'd be.... pear shaped.
meaning- my hips are larger than my bust, and my waist gradually slopes to my hips.
Now here's where I say these websites are BOLOGNA.
According to this website, I'm supposed to add volume to my top half to counter balance my lower half. People my boobs are way to big to give the illusion that they are even bigger, I don't have a Kardashian butt.

So what decade do I fit- easy. It's the same one most of you would fit in. The Fifties. The fifties offered a body flattering silhouette and a variety of options for all shapes and sizes. Plus, the fifties is easily translated with todays clothing options. See?!
But my favorite "starlet" with the ultimate 50's vibe... Zooey Deschanel!
This girl uses a 50's influence daily and has become a shinning example of how to intermingle a past fashion with a present look.
Now slap me on the hand if you must, but I personally feel that all our bodies are hourglass shaped.
The sand just isn't all in the same place.
But if you keep following this blog- I will help dress all of you.
In my next post, I will be taking 4 volunteers. Or if I don't have any volunteers, I'll simply pick 4 unsuspecting facebook friends.
For these "volunteers" I will create a lookbook (with their own clothes, favorite accessories, and some new stuff)to show them and all of you how to incorporate a vintage feel to their wardrobe.
Sound like Fun!!
Comment and it could be you!!
until next time, Later Taters