I've been gone a little while, why? Well- shit happens, in my case - life.
Between interviews, hospital visits, trips to the airport, and a funeral. My life happened and writing just wasn't an option. Therefore I won't be able to make good on my threat to restyle 4 innocent victims I found on Facebook, just yet.
I will however, talk about fashion, styling, or for the inept- dressing properly.
As I said, I have been busy the last few weeks. And when you are out and about the way I have been you see a lot of people.
I won't get back on my soapbox about "leggings not being pants" again (oh wait, I just did), but people, why do you feel the need to dress like others around you are blind. I understand those days when you have the flu so you leave the house in sweats. But I find it really hard to believe that 90% of the people in my town have the flu at the same time. Seriously! Jeans are just as easy as sweats, and people are less likely to stare.
clearly if you haven't figured this out yet, if you want to learn something from me, there is a certain amount of bitching involved.
Moving on.
The lesson of the day... dressing for funeral services.
Now up north, some of you call it a wake, but in the south its called: who can make the best fried chicken.
As you may know, in the south, women run a funeral and all the services involved. Southern women appear out of nowhere with chicken, deviled eggs, and sweet tea. We pass around babies we don't know, to people we might be related to, in exchange for cake.
What we don't do is keep our mouths shut. Women, in general, talk about everyone; but southern women will say it to your face, followed by "bless your heart".
Keep that in mind next time you show up to a funeral improperly dressed.
If you don't know what to wear, I'll make it easy for you...
google it!
I did, and here are my top 3 finds.
Proper Funeral Attire Etiquette
How to Dress Properly for a Funeral
What is appropriate funeral attire?
Obviously these are all subject to your upbringing, however you know I'm gonna give you my opinion.
Funeral Don'ts
Short Skirts
Exercise Clothing
Flip Flops
Neon- anything
Loud Jewelry
There is nothing tackier than showing up in a sweater, that you are trying desperately to pass off as a dress. This was the talk of our family's funeral, that and the matching sweater epidemic. This girl broke all my don'ts; bright sweater (too short)-no skirt, over nude tights, uggs, and the neon nails. Bless Her Heart!
Ladies, I understand every time you leave the house, it's a statement. But at a funeral, the statement shouldn't say "hello, I'm your future ex-wife".
I encourage a fashion statement, always. Church and funerals are a great place for me to flex my own style wings. Since my body shape and style tend to lean towards the 50's housewife, with its bell-shaped skirts, cardigans, and printed tights, I seem to fit in perfectly at such a solemn occasion. (Especially since this past week I was often seen carrying a baby, a plate, or someones coat.) Though I did leave my bow at home.
OK I know this whole post has been well, morbid. But funerals are part of life, and why not have a humorous way to talk about what to wear.
at least that's how I see it.
later, taters

Beginnings are happy. Endings are usually sad, But it's what happens in the middle that really counts.
My grandfather lived his life full of god and humor. He left an impression on everyone he met, good or bad. And We grew up hearing "one day when I'm gone you will say papa never picked on you none"
Papa- now that you are gone, that doesn't sound like a lie anymore.
We miss you.
Keep that in mind next time you show up to a funeral improperly dressed.
If you don't know what to wear, I'll make it easy for you...
google it!
I did, and here are my top 3 finds.
Proper Funeral Attire Etiquette
How to Dress Properly for a Funeral
What is appropriate funeral attire?
Obviously these are all subject to your upbringing, however you know I'm gonna give you my opinion.
Funeral Don'ts
Short Skirts
Exercise Clothing
Flip Flops
Neon- anything
Loud Jewelry
There is nothing tackier than showing up in a sweater, that you are trying desperately to pass off as a dress. This was the talk of our family's funeral, that and the matching sweater epidemic. This girl broke all my don'ts; bright sweater (too short)-no skirt, over nude tights, uggs, and the neon nails. Bless Her Heart!
Ladies, I understand every time you leave the house, it's a statement. But at a funeral, the statement shouldn't say "hello, I'm your future ex-wife".
I encourage a fashion statement, always. Church and funerals are a great place for me to flex my own style wings. Since my body shape and style tend to lean towards the 50's housewife, with its bell-shaped skirts, cardigans, and printed tights, I seem to fit in perfectly at such a solemn occasion. (Especially since this past week I was often seen carrying a baby, a plate, or someones coat.) Though I did leave my bow at home.
OK I know this whole post has been well, morbid. But funerals are part of life, and why not have a humorous way to talk about what to wear.
at least that's how I see it.
later, taters

Beginnings are happy. Endings are usually sad, But it's what happens in the middle that really counts.
My grandfather lived his life full of god and humor. He left an impression on everyone he met, good or bad. And We grew up hearing "one day when I'm gone you will say papa never picked on you none"
Papa- now that you are gone, that doesn't sound like a lie anymore.
We miss you.