Welcome Everyone.
If you are following this, you probably fall into one of two groups.
group #1
my friends and family who are curious and/or supportive
group #2
blog addicts- who happened upon me by accident
Either way, welcome. And be nice. I am neither a blogger or a journal keeper- thus not a writer or speller.
Lets start with an introduction. I'm Angela, owner, designer, whatever of Ella Dee. Being the kind of person who can't stand to be bored, I have lots of ideas and never ending projects. But with the encouragement of a beyond amazing husband and extremely wonderful support system, I have settled on one and officially (business license and all) opened a children's clothing and toys business. After a few set backs last year, I am taking Ella Dee in a "less commercial" direction.
Soon I will be selling on two different Etsy shops, and my creations will be available for all of you.
Ella Dee Clothing will feature a collection of girls clothing in bold colors and wearable/washable fabrics. Perfect for girls and moms! This shop will be limited, mostly pieces I have made over the last year, but it will also be open for custom orders and select handmade baby things. However, ellaFrankendee is were most of my focus will be. This new addition to Ella Dee is an exciting collection of soft toys for boys and girls. It will be no ordinary collection however, this new branch of business caters to the real design side of my brain. Its not commercial or normal, but it will be completely Angela.
Until then- feel free to follow my adventures on here.