Friday, January 17, 2014

The Relative Update...Baby.

Welcome Back!
2 blogs in a weekend, can you say world record... 

This is a baby update to answer all those questions that get keep getting asked... especially the ones that aren't really your business.
I am not (probably not) gonna be detailing my pregnancy all over facebook- the "my baby is now the size of a grapefruit" apps are so lame. I will be eventually posting bump pictures, but seeing as I'm a normal size human- there isn't a lot of difference between my gut and my bump yet. So you are SOL for now. But this post is about the questions you have all been asking... and since I am a very open person, here are your answers. 

First time parents.
We are due July 11, 2014.
I am 15 weeks pregnant.
We do not want to know the sex of our baby. Not knowing is an adventure. 
We are not hoping for either a boy or a girl, honestly we don't care.
We have chosen names, either way.
The nursery will be themed. (come on ppl- its me)
We are planning to deliver at Vanderbilt Hospital, using West End Women's Health Center- YES we are using a midwife. No, not a water birth. If I'm gonna have a water birth, I want to do it at home and that requires a new fancy bathtub (the hubbs said no). lol
The plan, right now, is a natural birth- no drugs. 
We did not do any genetic testing, and did not do a 10 week ultra sound.
We will see our baby for the first time at the required 20 week ultra sound. That is when we will also confirm, whether its twins or not. (twins run in my family- there is a possibility)
I have been very lucky- I have had little to no morning sickness. (hate me if you must)
I have however, developed super human powers. I can smell through Tupperware, sealed bags, and my dog farting in the basement.
We are absolutely not doing the creepy 3D ultrasounds. They scare the hell out of me.
My hubbs will be the only one in the delivery room, with me. (unless we decide to document the birth) My parents won't even be in the same state, if we deliver on time. Its seems to be a family tradition for them to plan their beach vacation at the same time their grand-baby is due.
Breastfeeding is our plan, but some of you know how that goes.
We are going to use both homemade baby food and store bought jars.
We are using disposable diapers.
The Daycare vs. Stay-at-home Mom debate is still under discussion and will depend on my job situation.

I think that answers all the questions for now, but feel free to ask away if you are curious.
Until next time,
Later Taters!

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