Friday, September 21, 2012

AppleFest and Stuff...

ok party people...
clearly I didn't make my goal last week, so that means this week there will be twice as many posts- I promise to try to consolidate.
so let's get down to business, shall we...
first things first.
I have already announced our contest winner on facebook, but I thought it was time to let ya'll in on it too.  as you know I did a drawing at The Strawberry Patch Barn Sale and the winner happened to be none other than Junk n' the Trunk, owner Gina Gann. having met Gina only briefly at the Barn Sale, I learned that she has 2 sons and she was fairly certain they would not want one of my dolls, however she entered the drawing with hopes that she would win for herself. 
when I called to inform her she won, her excitement level was through the roof. when she calmed down, I was excited to find out that she lives and works in Gallatin where she owns a store called Junk n' the Trunk located on the square. Junk n' the Trunk, a store full of unique salvaged and restyled finds- including retro furniture, custom pieces, and unique gifts, as well as offering custom interior design and home staging. And soon, cross your fingers, they will be home to a few of my FrankenDolls!
Junk n' the Trunk is also a big part in the Occasions/5 Chefs & HomeTown MarketPlace in October, in which, yours truely will have a booth!! See Gina's Store and Facebook (link above) for tickets and more info.
but more on that later...
now on to AppleFest.

now if you follow me on Facebook : Ella Dee and Stuff, you probably already know I attended AppleFest in Lafayette, Tn last weekend. I was so happy to be apart of that welcoming little community for a day. The wonderful ladies at White House NursingHome did such a great job putting on this festival for their town. The day included local vendors, a live band, a provided lunch of beans and corn bread (it's a southern thing), and lots of Apples! I was fortunate enough to run into a dear friend of mine as well as several of my Strawberry Patch attendees. Thanks again ladies for all your hard work.
and now on to the pictures!

 **notice the awesome pink awning my hubbs found me!

New sign since the other one died in the storm at The Strawberry Patch.


I have decided that the red can-can must accompany me to all shows. Its like a bright red beacon to my booth! Plus everyone loves a good grandma story. (Thanks MeMe for never throwing anything away.)

Cabinet O' Monsters!

Bloody Man!!!

Little Mascots for my Creepy Side!
Everyone thought they were a couple!!!!

Thanks to the Hubbs for helping me out, instead of watching the game!
We kinda look like a UT family.

Candid Camera- Courtesy of the hubbs, hiding behind the trailer.
Thanks Trav.

Well that was last week, thanks again everyone.
Stay tuned for next week.
Until then, have fun, 
and stay creepy my friends!

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