Monday, January 27, 2014

Project Focus Changes

Its Monday everyone!
The most hated day of the week.
How do you handle your "Case of the Mondays"?

Here's how I plan to handle mine from now on. Monday = Blog Day.
For those that know me, you all know I'm a grouchy blogger. Where else would I find all this snarkiness? In order to keep my household a happy one, when my hubbs leaves for class on Monday nights- I blog.

Now I promised you some changes and most of you have stuck with me through the "family posts", your patience will be rewarded. Now prior to the pregnancy discovery I was already considering moving in this direction, so now I have the perfect excuse.

Mrs. Abby Normal, ME, is changing its focus to PlusSize & Maternity Style. 

How about some brutal honesty? I am (before baby bump) bordering one that very fine line between the women's and plus size department. I am the average size of women in America. Ladies, this is why we have a hard time buying everything from jeans to lingerie! And imagine adding pregnancy to the challenge- forget about it.   I know before we got pregnant I hated shopping period, but the day my mom took me maternity shopping was agony. My typical clothing shopping means hitting the PlusSize department followed by the Women's department, then finally the Juinor's Department in hopes of finding something that fits my style and my body. This doesn't happen often. PlusSize is usually slightly to big everywhere except my chest. Women's kinda  fit but involve a lot of mixing, matching, and accessorizing to minimize the frumpiness. And the Junior's XL/XXL rarely fit but when they do they always hang funny. My body is no longer shaped like a tween (was it ever shaped like that).  But this, ladies is the problem, our bodies are not shaped the way designers think they should be- trust me I know. 
When I was in school we had 2 options when learning to pattern, make sloppers to fit us or the standard size form. I choose the form, because it was easier to learn and adjust on. When I did competitions the models we had to design for were the same standard size- anyone care to guess what that size is??? Size 8!! Can you F*cking believe it? Do you know what the average size of women in america?? 
Size 14 (my size is 12/14).
  Ok now before I completely lose my temper, lets reel it back in. Tangent over- for now. We can discuss mainstream fashion and why fashion makes us hate our selves until we are blue in the face, but it wont change anything. We, normal people have to figure out style for ourselves. 
Ladies pinterest does nothing for your confidence or your happy self image.
When we discovered I was I became glued to pinterest searching the words maternity fashion/ pregnancy style. And do you know what I discovered- hundreds of blogs by the cutest LITTLE tiny moms-to-be.
Where are the curvy mom blogs? Have we become to ashamed to post our pictures on our blogs- no! They post all those damn pictures on facebook. And worse it, most are with a duck face wearing underware. 
Enough is Enough!

So my new challenge, my New Year's Resolution if you will, is to document my struggle and bring your tips, tricks and projects that will take you from AVERAGE to Maternity and back again.
From now until I squeeze a human out of my body, I will blog about my clothes and style (not stretch marks, hemorrhoids, or cankles). I can not guarantee I will be stylish everyday (otherwise the ppl I work with will tell on me) but I will post the good and the bad.
My goal this year is to make a difference- with others and myself. 
So feel free to ask questions, leave comments and follow along this crazy journey.

Until next week,
Later Taters 

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