Wednesday, February 19, 2014

bad blogger

I've been a very bad blogger. This once a week posting has been tougher than I thought. Lack of motivation, lack of photos... whatever the excuse, I am trying again. Something about the milestones of this week make me want to conqueror my blogging fears. The main reason I seem to let my blogging slip is the lack of pictures that I take. I am not a selfie person- guess I have to work on that. Also starting this week I will be linking my instagram  to my blog.

Relative Update: We are moving on to the next bedroom, painting this week- maybe floors next! I have hit my 19 week of pregnancy (we now have a bump, no I'm not just fat!) Our first and only ultra sound is this Friday, we are very excited! And I am finally feeling the baby flutter around. And for the record it doesn't feel like a butterfly... it feels like a cross between driving really fast over a giant hill (you know when your stomach sorta drops) and the outside of one of those gold fish baggies you when at the carnival.

Anyways. To my 3 readers... sorry. Starting this weeks blog after lunch, so I'll talk to you shortly.

Later Taters

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